自己的謎片自己寫!上傳「劇本」就幫你拍成小電影…想尻尻不怕沒有好片啦!(影) Write your own piece of the mystery! Upload “script” made into a short film to help you … want Tajiri Tajiri not afraid of a good film it! (shadow)

“相信各位卡民們跟洨魯一樣常常有髒髒的幻想(誰跟你一樣每天在瀏覽尻尻題材的時候,總希望能找到滿足自己幻想的謎片,像洨魯就特別愛絲襪教師系列現在你的願望可以實現啦!Send Me YourSexts這個網站聽到各位的心聲(別裝),不過它不是要你單純的想像,而是要你髒髒的對話記錄。(I am sure you Kamin had with Xiao Lu as often dirty fantasies ( who like you every day in your browser rump rump theme , always hoping to find to meet their own fantasy puzzle pieces , like Xiao Lu particularly love stockings teacher Series now your wish can achieve it ! Send Me YourSexts this website you hear voices ( not installed ) , but it’s not simply want you to imagine , but to record your conversations dirty.) CK101 (Hong Kong)